Storytelling For Change with Elizabeth MacBride


On this episode of More Than Profit, Bryce talks with Elizabeth MacBride, freelance writer and Founder and Editor for the Times of Entrepreneurship. Elizabeth has always had a passion for telling stories, inspiring her to study journalism in college. As the recession of 1991 was surging, the job market was limited. Elizabeth took a position at a business newspaper, one of the only places hiring at the time, which launched her career in journalism. Bryce and Elizabeth talk about how she is keeping her profession alive despite the global pandemic and how she is using her writing as the fuel for change. She is known for using her platform to address topics that mainstream journalists are quick to overlook. In many of her Forbes publications, Elizabeth shares stories that often go untold, like the emergence and success of women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs of color. You can keep up with Elizabeth and her work by signing up for the Times of Entrepreneurship newsletter.

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